Alestopetersius caudalis (Yellow Congo Tetra)

Alestopetersius caudalis (Yellow Congo Tetra)

Regular price $4.00

Alestopetersius caudalis, commonly known as the Yellowtail Congo Tetra or African Yellowtail Tetra, is a beautiful and active freshwater fish native to Africa. Here's a guide on how to keep this species in an aquarium:

Tank Setup

  1. Tank Size: A minimum of 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended for a small group. Larger tanks (30 gallons or more) are better for more swimming space.
  2. Substrate: Use a sandy or fine gravel substrate to mimic their natural environment.
  3. Decor: Include driftwood, rocks, and plants to provide hiding spots and replicate their native habitat. Floating plants can help diffuse light and make them feel secure.
  4. Water Parameters:
    • Temperature: 72–82°F (22–28°C)
    • pH: 6.0–7.5
    • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–15 dGH)
  5. Lighting: Moderate lighting is ideal. Bright lighting can be diffused with floating plants.
  6. Filtration: Use a gentle to moderate flow filter. They appreciate clean, well-oxygenated water.


  • Type: Omnivorous. Feed them a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, frozen, and live foods.
  • Specifics:
    • Live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
    • High-quality flakes or micro-pellets for daily feeding.
    • Supplement with vegetable matter, such as spirulina-based foods.

Behavior and Tankmates

  1. Social Behavior: Peaceful and schooling species. Keep them in groups of 6 or more to reduce stress and encourage natural behavior.
  2. Tankmates:
    • Compatible with other peaceful fish of similar size.
    • Avoid overly aggressive or much larger species.
    • Good tankmates include other small African tetras, peaceful barbs, dwarf cichlids, and Corydoras.


  • Water Changes: Perform weekly water changes of 25–50% to maintain excellent water quality.
  • Testing: Regularly test water parameters to ensure stability.


  • Sexing: Males are more colorful, especially when mature, and females are typically rounder.
  • Setup: Provide a separate breeding tank with fine-leaf plants or a spawning mop. Slightly acidic water and a temperature around 78–80°F (25–27°C) can encourage spawning.
  • Eggs and Fry: Remove adults after spawning to prevent them from eating the eggs. Feed the fry with infusoria or powdered fry food initially, then transition to baby brine shrimp.

With proper care, Alestopetersius caudalis can live up to 5 years or more, rewarding you with their vibrant colors and active behavior.