The Black Ruby Barb (Pethia nigrofasciata), also known as the Ruby Barb, is a small and vibrant freshwater fish native to Sri Lanka. It is popular in the aquarium trade due to its striking coloration and peaceful temperament. Here’s a quick overview:
Male: During breeding or in well-conditioned individuals, males develop a deep ruby-red coloration with dark vertical stripes.
Female: Females are less colorful, with a more subdued yellowish or silvery hue and faint stripes.
Size: Typically grows to about 5-6 cm (2-2.5 inches) in length.
- Found in slow-moving streams and rivers in Sri Lanka.
- Prefers habitats with dense vegetation and shaded areas.
Social: A schooling fish that thrives in groups of six or more.
Temperament: Generally peaceful but can be mildly territorial, especially males during breeding.
Aquarium Care:
Tank Size: Minimum of 20 gallons for a small group.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 22-26°C (72-79°F)
- pH: 6.0-7.5
- Hardness: Soft to moderate
Diet: Omnivorous—accepts high-quality flakes, pellets, live or frozen foods (e.g., brine shrimp, daphnia).
- Easy to breed in a well-planted aquarium.
- Males intensify in color during courtship.
- Eggs are laid on plants, and parents should be removed after spawning to prevent them from eating the eggs.