Super Red Cenepa Pencil Fish
Super Red Cenepa Pencil Fish
Super Red Cenepa Pencil Fish
Super Red Cenepa Pencil Fish

Super Red Cenepa Pencil Fish

Regular price $28.00

The Super Red Cenepa Pencilfish, also known as the Cenepa Red Pencilfish (Nannostomus sp. "Cenepa"), is a recently identified species originating from the Rio Cenepa, a tributary of the Peruvian Amazon. This species is celebrated for its striking red coloration, especially in males, making it a prized addition to freshwater aquariums.

Origin and Habitat: The Super Red Cenepa Pencilfish is native to the soft, acidic waters of the Rio Cenepa in Peru. This environment is characterized by tannin-stained blackwater with low mineral content, providing a unique habitat for various fish species, including this pencilfish.

Physical Characteristics: Males of this species display an almost uniform, vibrant scarlet coloration extending into the dorsal fin, complemented by black and white trims along the edges of the caudal and anal fins. Females, in contrast, exhibit more subdued colors, with only a splash of red noticeable on the dorsal fin and operculum.

Aquarium Care:

  • Tank Setup: A heavily planted aquarium with a dark substrate and sheltered areas is ideal. Incorporating floating plants, driftwood branches, and dried leaf litter can enhance the natural aesthetics and provide hiding spots.

  • Water Parameters: Maintain a temperature between 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH around 5.5-7.5, and soft water conditions with low mineral content.

  • Diet: These omnivorous fish accept high-quality flakes or pellets as their staple diet, supplemented with small live or frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and microworms.

  • Behavior and Tankmates: Peaceful by nature, they are best kept in groups of at least six to eight individuals. Suitable tankmates include other small, non-aggressive species such as smaller tetras, micro rasboras, dwarf barbs, compatible Corydoras catfish, and amicable plecos.

Breeding: Breeding in captivity is possible with proper care. A separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water and fine-leaved plants is recommended. Females release eggs that hatch within 36 to 72 hours, depending on temperature. Initially, fry rely on their yolk sacs before becoming free-swimming after 3 to 4 days. They can then be fed infusoria, rotifers, and powdered first foods, progressing to larger foods as they grow.

The Super Red Cenepa Pencilfish is a captivating species that brings vibrant color and dynamic behavior to well-maintained aquariums, especially those mimicking its natural blackwater habitat.