The Moenkhausia sp. "Kogal Yellow" or "Kogal Gold," commonly known as the Kogal Blue-Eyed Tetra, is a captivating freshwater fish appreciated for its vibrant yellow-gold coloration and striking blue eyes. This species is native to Brazil, specifically the upper Rio Machado within the Rio Madeira River Basin.
Physical Characteristics:
Size: Up to 6 cm (approximately 2.4 inches) in length.
Appearance: Features a golden iridescent body with a horizontal dark line crossing its bright blue eyes and an elongated horizontal blotch on the caudal peduncle.
Behavior and Compatibility:
Temperament: Peaceful and active shoaling fish.
Social Structure: Best kept in groups of at least six to promote natural behavior and reduce skittishness.
Tank Mates: Compatible with other active, non-aggressive species such as tetras, barbs, larger rasboras, rainbowfish, danios, Corydoras catfish, and loaches.
Aquarium Care:
Tank Setup: A well-planted aquarium with open swimming spaces and subdued lighting enhances their coloration. A dark substrate can further accentuate their vibrant hues.
Water Parameters: Prefer soft to medium water conditions with a pH between 5.5 and 7.5 and temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F (23°C to 27°C).
Diet: Omnivorous; thrive on a varied diet including high-quality flake foods, pellets, and live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
Reproduction: Egg-scatterers; breeding in captivity can be challenging and requires specific conditions to encourage spawning.
The Kogal Blue-Eyed Tetra is a relatively rare species in the aquarium trade, making it a prized addition for enthusiasts seeking unique and visually appealing fish. Its peaceful nature and stunning appearance make it a standout choice for community aquariums.