The Eilyos Tetra (Hyphessobrycon eilyos) is a small, peaceful freshwater fish native to Brazil's upper Rio Araguaia basin. Reaching up to 2.5 cm in length, it features a silvery body adorned with numerous dark chromatophores, especially concentrated on the ventral region from the pelvic-fin origin to the caudal-fin base. In life, the dorsal, adipose, and caudal fins exhibit carmine red pigmentation.
Aquarium Care:
Water Parameters: Maintain a temperature between 23-28°C (73-82°F), pH of 5.5-7.5, and soft to moderately hard water.
Tank Setup: A planted aquarium with darker substrates and subdued lighting enhances their coloration and provides a natural environment. Including hiding spots like driftwood and plants helps mimic their natural habitat.
Diet: Omnivorous; feed a varied diet of high-quality flakes or pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.
Behavior: Eilyos Tetras are peaceful and thrive in groups of eight or more, which reduces stress and encourages natural shoaling behavior. They can coexist with other non-aggressive species like Corydoras catfish, rasboras, and small barbs.
Breeding in captivity is possible with proper care. Provide a separate breeding tank with soft, slightly acidic water and fine-leaved plants for egg deposition. After spawning, remove adults to prevent them from eating the eggs.
The species name "eilyos" derives from the Greek word for "den" or "lurking-place," referencing the backwaters filled with vegetation that these fish inhabit.
As of the latest assessment, Hyphessobrycon eilyos is listed as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List, indicating potential risks to its natural populations.