Corydoras Eques
Corydoras Eques

Corydoras Eques

Corydoras eques is a freshwater fish species belonging to the family Callichthyidae, commonly known as Cory catfish or armoured catfish. Here are some key details about this species:

General Characteristics:

  • Common Name: Saddle Cory or Red Shoulder Cory
  • Scientific Name: Corydoras eques
  • Size: Typically grows to about 4–6 cm (1.5–2.4 inches) in length.
  • Appearance:
    • Features a striking reddish-orange or copper-colored "saddle" marking on its back near the dorsal fin.
    • The body is generally silvery with a hint of green or gold iridescence.
    • Has a rounded snout and characteristic barbels near its mouth for bottom-feeding.


  • Distribution: Native to South America, particularly found in the Amazon River basin, including regions in Peru and Brazil.
  • Environment: Prefers slow-moving or still freshwater habitats like rivers, streams, and floodplains with sandy or muddy bottoms. They thrive in shaded areas with abundant vegetation.

Behavior and Care:

  • Social Behavior: Peaceful and shoaling species that should be kept in groups of at least 5–6 individuals in aquariums.
  • Feeding: Bottom feeders that enjoy sinking pellets, algae wafers, live or frozen food (e.g., bloodworms and brine shrimp), and plant material.
  • Tank Conditions:
    • pH: 6.0–7.5
    • Temperature: 22–26°C (72–79°F)
    • Substrate: Soft sand or fine gravel to prevent damage to their sensitive barbels.


  • Breeding: Relatively straightforward in aquariums. They engage in a "T-position" during spawning, where the male fertilizes the eggs as the female places them on flat surfaces, like aquarium glass or leaves. The eggs hatch within a few days.