Bucephalandra Ghost 2011/2012

Bucephalandra Ghost 2011/2012

Regular price $130.00

Bucephalandra Ghost 2011/2012, a type of Bucephalandra, a popular aquatic plant among aquascaping enthusiasts. Bucephalandra species are known for their unique appearance, vibrant colors, and ability to thrive in underwater conditions with minimal light and CO2.

The term "Ghost 2011/2012" might refer to a specific variant or collection batch introduced in those years. Variants of Bucephalandra are often named based on their characteristics, origin, or collector's designation.


  1. Leaves: Bucephalandra typically has small, thick, and textured leaves, often with hints of color such as green, blue, or red.
  2. Growth Habit: Slow-growing and forms clusters or mats over time.
  3. Adaptability: Can grow submerged or emersed, making it versatile for aquariums or terrariums.
  4. Care:
    • Light: Low to medium light.
    • CO2: Optional, but enhances growth and coloration.
    • Water Parameters: Soft, slightly acidic to neutral water (pH 5.5–7.5).