3 Spot Gourami
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Spot Gouramis (commonly known as Three-Spot Gouramis) are hardy and peaceful freshwater fish that can thrive in a well-maintained aquarium. Here’s a guide on how to care for them:
Tank Setup
Tank Size:
- Minimum tank size: 30 gallons (113 liters) for a small group (3–4 fish). They need swimming space and room to establish territories.
Water Parameters:
- Temperature: 72–82°F (22–28°C)
- pH: 6.0–8.0
- Hardness: 5–35 dGH
- Ensure stable water parameters, as fluctuations can stress them.
Filtration and Aeration:
- Use a gentle filter (sponge filter or one with adjustable flow) as gouramis prefer calm water.
- Regular water changes (20–30% weekly) are essential to maintain water quality.
Tank Décor:
- Add plants (real or artificial) like Java Fern, Anubias, or floating plants (e.g., Duckweed or Amazon Frogbit) to mimic their natural habitat.
- Provide hiding spots with driftwood, rocks, or caves for them to retreat.
- Moderate lighting. Spot Gouramis aren’t particularly sensitive to light, but subdued lighting can help them feel more secure.
- Omnivorous. Provide a varied diet of:
- High-quality flakes or pellets.
- Live or frozen foods: Bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia.
- Vegetables: Blanched spinach, peas, or zucchini.
- Rotate foods for balanced nutrition.
- Omnivorous. Provide a varied diet of:
Feeding Frequency:
- Feed 1–2 times daily, giving only what they can consume in about 2 minutes.
Behavior and Compatibility
Social Behavior:
- Spot Gouramis are semi-aggressive, especially males. Keep a ratio of one male to multiple females if possible to minimize aggression.
- They may chase other fish occasionally, but they are generally peaceful in a well-planned community tank.
Tank Mates:
- Choose peaceful tank mates of similar size, such as:
- Tetras, Rasboras, Corydoras, or peaceful barbs.
- Avoid fin-nipping species like Tiger Barbs.
- Avoid aggressive or overly shy tank mates.
- Choose peaceful tank mates of similar size, such as:
- Provide a separate breeding tank with a lower water level (6–8 inches) and plenty of plants or floating materials.
- The male builds a bubble nest for the eggs.
- Condition the fish with live foods.
- Once the female lays eggs, the male will tend to the nest. Remove the female after spawning to prevent aggression.
- Remove the male after the fry hatch and begin swimming freely to protect them from being eaten.
Additional Tips
- Spot Gouramis are labyrinth fish, meaning they can breathe air from the surface. Ensure there’s open space at the top of the tank.
- Observe for signs of disease or stress (e.g., clamped fins, erratic swimming) and address issues promptly.
- Avoid overcrowding the tank, as it can lead to territorial disputes.
With proper care, Spot Gouramis can live for 4–6 years, bringing beauty and calmness to your aquarium.